Delivery of parcels from China

Delivery of parcels and goods from China

Now you can buy goods through the service of  "H2H" from any online store in China

1688(阿里巴巴) Branded products (Gucci, Calvin Klein, Burberry, Zara, Casio etc.)

DangDang (books and more)

JingDongelectronics and other trading platforms

To purchase goods, register on the "H2H " website and get the address of a warehouse in China. When placing an order, in the "Delivery address " field, specify the address received during registration. Be sure to include "H2H" next to your name. The store will deliver to our warehouse, and will provide you a tracking number:

Register a purchase on the H2H personal page you must register a purchase on the H2H personal page or in the H2H mobile app.

Important! Registration is mandatory, without it the delivery of the parcel will not be carried out.

Cost and delivery time

The cost of transportation from our warehouse in China to the warehouse in Yerevan is 4000 AMD  per 1kg (minimum weight 100gr), (dimensional weight of 1kg  costs 3000 AMD)

If the dimensional weight exceeds the physical weight, the dimensional weight is taken into account.

The  formula:

Dimensional  weight = Length (cm) x Width (cm) x Height (cm) / 5000.

The delivery time is 18-21 working days.

We also provide other services such as

The  service "Buy for me" helps customers who have difficulty making purchases in Chinese online stores. It is enough to choose a product, tell us its characteristics and send a link, and we will make the purchase, registration and delivery to Armenia. The minimum price is 3500 AMD: