Worldwide delivery

Let's make your business professional


Are you tired of dealing with unresponsive transportation companies? Are you just now looking for a transportation company? There is no need to search further than H2H. We are specialists in the field of cargo transportation, road transportation, air cargo transportation, courier and other delivery services.

Courier services

If you are sending a smaller package, you may need our international courier and interstate courier services. Or why not just ask us to provide a customized package that suits your needs.

H2H is an expert in the field of high-speed mail delivery. And these are not empty words.

Express delivery with H2H is:

Save up to 30% on each mail item.

H2H has established strong business relationships with leading international postal operators:

We will provide you with attractive prices for postal items.

The shortest delivery time for mail.

Personal manager. Just sign a contract with H2H — and send correspondence in priority order in each direction. A prompt and polite personal manager will help you with this.

Ironclad guarantees. H2H will take care of all the care of your mail. Our partners value cooperation with H2H, so we will resolve any problems as soon as possible.

Courier service. Our courier will come to your office and pick up letters, parcels, when it is convenient for you.

H2H will deliver your cargo as fast as possible. We may not know the art of teleportation, but we can make connections and offer the best.

Things we can control:

Distances. We will quickly deliver your mail or your cargo to any regions of Russia and around the world.

Time. Delivery can take place not only in the usual mode ("Just in time"), but also in an urgent ("Express") or in an extra-urgent ("Time trouble") order.

For example, H2H in some directions has the ability to send correspondence through the pilot of the aircraft!

Materials, shapes and sizes. If you need it, we can even deliver an elephant! You can safely trust us with super-expensive electronics, fragile decor items, heavy special equipment, and so on.

Professional packaging

Forget the stories about how the cargo was damaged or hopelessly damaged during delivery. H2H knows how to ensure the safety of the parcel. And it's not just that we use thick envelopes and high-quality packaging material. It's about the people.

Our experts have worked with the most unusual, uncomfortable, and expensive goods.

They can be trusted:

A valuable thing,

A gift,

Fragile cargo,

Important documents.


Air cargo transportation

Air transportation is the fastest and often the most economical way to send goods abroad. H2H has partnerships with leading transport companies operating in many countries, which allows us to always offer you the most cost-effective delivery strategy.

We offer you excellent prices through direct contracts with air carriers (without intermediaries).

In addition, due to the flexible pricing policy, you get:

A system of discounts for regular customers up to 20% free car delivery and freight forwarding within a radius of 100 km when ordering air transportation of 500 kg or more.

 30% discount on the first order for transportation; a clear calculation of the delivery time and clearance to avoid paid storage in warehouses, saving- 10% of the delivery cost.

«Special offer for business»