Delivery of parcels from China

1 kg 5500 AMD
Air delivery
Minimal weight 0.5kg
20-28 working days

Buy products via “H2H” from any Chinese online stores:
1688(阿里巴巴)天猫) branded products (Gucci, Calvin Klein, Burberry, Zara, Casio etc.)
DangDang(当当)(books and more)
JingDong(京东)electronics and other trading platforms.

In order to purchase the products, it is necessary to register on our website and get the address of our warehouse in China. When placing an order you should specify the address received during registration in the "delivery address" field. Input "H2H" next to your name. The store must deliver the goods to our warehouse in Shenzhen, and provide you the tracking number of the parcel in China.

Register your purchases in your personal account H2H
You need to register the order in your account of H2H.

Important! The registration of your order is necessary; otherwise the delivery of your parcel won’t be realized.
Important! Do not forget that according to the legislation of Armenia, all parcels worth more than 200€ are subject to taxation.

The delivery options are realized through air and sea.
The minimum weight via air delivery is 0.5 kg.
All parcels are rounded up to 100 grams.

With the implementation of our services, we also provide you with our other unique services:

The service “Buy for me”
We assist customers who are facing difficulties with the purchase of goods in Chinese online stores. You just need to select the product, tell us its characteristics and send us a link, and then we will complete the purchase and its delivery to Armenia. When using this service, payment must be made in advance. The invoice includes the cost of the service at the rate of 5-7% of the cost of the product. The minimum price is 2500 AMD.

«Search for goods and suppliers on online platforms» The essence of this service is to select the product you are interested in in accordance with its characteristics.
Send us an image of the product or its detailed description.
The founded options will be sent to you to select and agree on the terms of your order – the cost, quantity, color, type of packaging, and so on.
We are in charge of communication with the seller, purchase of goods, inspection and delivery.
The service is paid, intended mainly for small and medium-sized businesses.
The cost of the service is determined individually, depending on the type and cost of the product, the size of the batch.

Intermediation in the purchase of goods from Chinese websites
If you have the skills of searching in the Internet, you will not find it difficult to choose and purchase products in online stores. However, when buying goods in China, your experience will not be enough. Our company provides intermediary services that can provide significant assistance for the purchase, checkup and delivery of goods from China.
The range of our services includes:

  • Communication with sellers, resolving issues related to the terms and delivery time, discussing the requirements of the buyer.
  • Payment for the goods and registration of the necessary documents. Resolution of issues with customs, payment of customs duties. The professional work of our specialists will significantly reduce your costs.
  • Receiving the goods and checking them in China. This is an important stage of the entire event, as after the shipment of the order, all possible risks and associated costs should be carried out by the buyer. In case of unsatisfactory quality of goods, it will be difficult and sometimes impossible to return the product. Therefore, do not rush to refuse to check the goods by our specialists before sending them from China.


Service program "1-year Warranty" for electronics and home appliances sent from China.
The biggest risk when buying electronics and home appliances from China is the lack of a warranty period for the product, that is the product may have it, but in China.
H2H provides a 1-year service warranty for electronics and home appliances, purchased through the services “Buy for me’’ and “Search for goods and suppliers on online platforms”.
The service program can only be used when purchasing products via "H2H". The cost of the guarantee is 7% of the cost of the purchased product.
The warranty covers factory defects caused by low-quality spare parts or violations of assembly technology.

What is not covered by the warranty?
Defects that were not caused by the manufacturer. They arise from improper use or the influence of third forces.
The detailed terms of the "1-year Warranty" program can be found at the link
The warranty is issued on the form of H2H